Dilute sludges, with a typical solids concentration of 0.3% - 1.0%, can
be thickened to achieve a dry solids content in the range of 3% - 10%.
This process reduces the volume for disposal or further treatment by factor
of 5 - 15. The product consistency resulting from the thickening process
is still semi-fluid and usually requires additional treatment.
Our equipments are:
- Static thickeners: Central driven scrappers for circular static thickeners.
Made in carbon steel protected with epoxy protection or stainless steel.
Our design is made for heavy duty works for different types of sludges.
- Rotary thickeners: Mechanical rotating sludge thickener, capable to
thicken the sludge up to a concentration of 10-12%. The construction
is entirely in stainless steel. The sludge is delivered to the external
mixer to be conditioned with chemicals and then discharged inside the
thickening drum. The drum consists of 4 zones separated by means of
adjustable rings to regulate the retention time according to the sludge